Cycling routes


Blue Mountain trail

The 30 km circular route is ideal for both cycling enthusiasts and those who prefer hiking. On this route, you will be able to enjoy the wine country from a height - the Slunečná observation tower is located along the route. From a height of less than 19 m, you will have Velké Bílovice, Hodonín or Bořetice in the palm of your hand. 

The Mikulov wine trail is an easy 23 km long route. The educational trail introduces visitors to a total of 17 information panels with the winemaking history of the region under Pálavou. The beginning of the trail is in Mikulov at the parking lot at Komerční banka, from where the path continues through Horní Věstonice and Pavlov back to Mikulov.

If it seems too short for a bike, take it on foot.

The Moravian Wine Trail starts and ends in Mikulov and is 46.1 km long. It leads through Klentnice (you can turn to the ruins of the Orphan Castle on the way), Pavlov, Dolní Věstonice, Brod nad Dyjí, Novosedly, Nový Přerov, Březí and back to Mikulov. All information about the route can be found nicely summarized on the website of the city of Mikulov , where you can also download a map.

The Velkopavlovice wine cycle route is approximately 100 km long and leads through the Velkopavlovice wine region, known for the abundance of vineyards with blue varieties. The route leads through the Lednice-Valtice area.

The Lednice-Valtice area is included in the list of UNESCO monuments. On a total area of ​​almost 300 km², you can see, for example, the 23-meter-high Obelisk, commemorating the conclusion of peace between France and Austria in 1798, as well as Janův hrad, the Minaret and the Hunting Lodge, which used to be used as a hunting lodge.